Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
The global economic system must avoid being dominated by a single currency
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
Yoga is the stilling of the changing states of the mind
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
There will come a day when I can no longer run. Today is not that day
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.
If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food
Good web design has visual weight, is optimized for various devices, and has content that is prioritized for the medium.